mercredi 20 août 2014

Brizilia....City Of Beautiful Beaches

Is the federal capital of Brazil, and is located in the province, the federal established in April 21, 1960 at the hands of President Juscelino Kubitschek to be the third capital of Brazil after the establishment of Brasilia, the government moved to all federal offices.
Tourist areas
Considered by UNESCO Mesh Brasilia king of world cultural and visited by nearly a million tourists a year and the most important tourist areas in Brasilia (Square troops threebridge Juscelino Kubitschekgarden urban Sarah Kubitschekand the National Park of Brasiliathe National Councilthe cathedralPiazza Juscelino KubitschekBrasilia is the capital of the Republic of Brazil, the new, dating to 21 April 1960has inherited the "Rio de Janeiro", which has been the capital of the country for a period of 125 yearshas an

area of ​​federal Districtwhere the capital 0.5814 km 2has been stripped of this area of the state "Goias" in the territory of the Midwestarrived inhabitants of Brasilia to 44.1 million inhabitants (1983). city is located at an altitude of 900 meters above sea leveland away from the city of Rio de Janeiro coastal 1000 kilometers to the north-west, it was the selection of this region as the capital for several purposes, including: * provide the nucleus pulls people toward the interior, with the aim Tamieralmntqh interior of Brazil* provide administrative services to the Midwestwhere there are states, "Mato Grossoand its "Cuiaba" and
"Matujruso Southand "capital" Campojerand "and mandate" Guise "and its" Guayana "in addition to the mandate of theBrasilia federalism "This climate of the region as well as the goodand the breadth of the flat plain spaces, allowing horizontal expansion in the fields of urban agriculture. The city is a center for ground and air transportationas established by the University in 1960.

South Africa........Country Of Safari

Republic of South Africa, is a big country in the southern tip of Africa. Located at the southern tip of the continent and bordered by Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Swaziland. The state of Lesotho completely surrounded by South African territory. Its economy is the largest and most advanced among all African countries, and modern infrastructure are present in almost all parts of the country. Bojd in South Africa with the largest population of European origins in Africa, and the largest gathering of Indian population outside of Asia, and the largest community of colored (black-skinned) in Africa, making it one of the most diverse countries in the population on the African continent. Ethnic conflict and racial between the white minority and the black majority occupy a large portion of the country's history and policies, has begun the National Party to enter the policy of apartheid after winning the general elections of 1948 which is the same party that began the dismantling of this policy in 1990 after a long struggle with the black majority and groups of anti-racist whites and Indians. South Africa of the few African countries that have not experienced a coup against the ruling, is also organizing free and fair elections since 1994, making the country an influential force in the region, but also one of the most stable democracies on the African continent.

The culture of South Africa
Zulu (in English: Zulu) is a group of African tribes known characteristics and valiant combat Oalaa war, and during the twenties of the eighteenth century began, led by its leader, the famous Chaka (in English: Chaka) attacked the neighboring peoples brutally fierce. The fighters are highly trained and committed to the system, and soon became the most powerful group among the Zulu people of Southern Africa. And campaigns, but it soon made ​​them hampered by the Europeans. The census Aabulg Alzlo currently about 10 million people, most of them endemic to South Africa and spreads Some of them get in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Mozambique, and speaks the language of the Bantu Zulu.
Personal selected
Nelson Mandela Roulihlala Nelson Mandela was born July 18, 1918 is a former President of the Republic of South Africa and one of the most prominent activists and resisters of the policy of racial discrimination, which was followed in South Africa. Surnamed members of his tribe B'madeba 'Madiba means' the great venerable', a title released by members of the Mandela clan on the person, including the highest-degree and become synonymous with the name of Nelson Mandela. I always considered that Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, the largest source of inspiration in his life and his philosophy on non-violence and peaceful resistance
and the face of calamities and difficulties with dignity and pride.

Nelson Mandela was born in a small village called Mizo Mvezo in the Transkei region. His father was head of the tribe, died when Nelson was still young, but he was elected the place of his father, and began preparing for the job when he was young. Mandela's father had four wives and a total of 13 children (four boys and nine girls). Nelson Mandela is the son of the third wife Fanny Nosekeani wife Fanny Nosekeni, where he spent most of his childhood in her home early. of elegance

Madrid (Spanish: Madrid) - continued to call it an Islamic Arabic -mejry Algeled- and then turning to -mejrat  [citation needed] the capital of the Kingdom of Spain and its largest city has a population of 3.2 million inhabitants (January 2011), and up population with suburbs to 6.54 million people . The area of ​​the city's 607 square kilometers (234 sq mi). The city is located on the banks of the Manzanares River in the center of Spain, Madrid is the third largest city in the European Union after London and Berlin. The seat of the Spanish government and the royal family and the country's most important companies and 6 public universities and several institutes of higher education. Madrid is considered one of the most important cities of Europe strategically, culturally and economically. It is the fourth largest city in terms of the number of tourists in Europe and the first in Spain and the total number of tourists who host city of nearly seven million tourists in 2006, which is the headquarters of the World Tourism Organization and the International Tourism Fair (FITUR). 

The city also boasts the Museo del Prado and Real Madrid soccer famous, in addition to the seat of government, and the Spanish parliament, ministries, institutions and agencies, and how to establish the official residence of the kings of Spain. The mayor of the city of Anna Botaaa party center-right People's Party, in office from 2011.
Because of economic output, and standard of living, and market size, is a Madrid strong financial hub in the Iberian Peninsula, is also located by the headquarters for the vast majority of the largest Spanish companies, additional to that Madrid is the headquarters of the three major companies of the 100 largest companies in the world (Telefonica, Repsol - YPF, Endesa).
Madrid possesses a modern infrastructure, has maintained the shape and appearance of many historic neighborhoods and streets. Madrid landmarks include the huge Royal Palace of Madrid and the Teatro Real (Royal Theatre) 1850 Opera House and the Retiro Park Bowen - founded in 1631 - and the library Aloutnah- which was founded in 1712 - and a group of historical archives in Spain. The three museums of Art: Prado Museum, which contains one of the most beautiful art collections in the world, and the National Museum of Queen Sofia Trade Center, and the Museum of Modern Art - Madrid, the Museum Thyssen-Bornmistha.

Located in the heart of Madrid, Spain, in the region of Castile and located the historic range of the Sierra de Guadarama in the northwest of the city, rising up the mountains of the Sierra de Guadarama to 2,429 meters above sea level at the top of Benyyalara. It is the Middle Valley Henares, who is passing through land routes and railways linking Zaragoza Madrid and Barcelona. And just 50 kilometers south of Madrid there is the ancient capital of the Kingdom of Castile and the Mother City to Madrid is a city of Toledo.

Mexico....Poverty and happiness

Is the federal capital of Mexico. The center of economic, industrial and cultural in the country, and the most populous city, with about 8,836,045 people in 2008, the largest city in Mexico Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México
Mexico is the second largest metropolitan area in the Americas, and the third largest population in the world. Mexico City is a major cosmopolitan city in Latin America and the second largest urban agglomeration in the world after Tokyo, Japan.
Mexico City is located in the Basin of Mexico, which is located within the plateau Onahoak, and is a broad basin between the high plateaus in the center of Mexico, at an altitude of 2,420 meters (7,300 feet).
The city was built by the Aztecs in 1325 on an island in Lake Texcoco, and was almost entirely destroyed in the siege of 1521, and then was re-designed and built according to the standards of Spanish cities. In 1524 the municipality of Mexico City was established, known as México Tenustitlán.
Ancient city in Mexico is now referred to Btinochtitlan.

The oldest evidence of human occupation of the territory of the Federal District comes from some of the
belonging to the period (9500-7000 BC).

The peoples of Mexico and one of the last Bnahoatel speaking peoples who migrated to this part of the Valley of Mexico after the fall of the Toltec empire.

Between 1325 and 1521, Tenochtitlan grew in size and strength. In the end the control of the city Galy seen from the countries surrounding Lake Taxhexko Tkscoko. In the Valley of Mexico when the Spaniards arrived in the Gulf of Mexico and much of Central American countries to reach the Spanish empire of the Aztecs.

Tourism in Mexico
Tourism in Almxhexo They represent a large part of the economy of Mexico, and Mexico is one of the largest countries in tourism by the World Tourism Organization, and the second largest country in the American continent after the United States and there are several tourist sites in Mexico such as the Cathedral of Mexico City Chichen Itza and.

Lisbon........The Pearl Of Portugal

Is the capital of Portugal since 1256 and its largest city. Located in the province of Lisbon in the center of the
on the Atlantic coast. The population of the city of Lisbon is about 547 631 people, either in neighboring communities amounts.

Includes many fields, cathedrals and monuments, cafes and shops in addition to contemporary architecture. Lisbon is located on seven hills, one of which resides in the silo Belem Torre de Belem, which was built in 1515 to protect the port of Lisbon. UNESCO has considered a legacy globally, was designed and built by the brothers Arruda King Manuel I, one of the interesting historical landmarks in the area. And Belem, which means Bethlehem in Arabic, is the point from which Vasco da Gama in his journey, which lasted two years and discovered the Cape of Good Hope, and thus the way to India, which strengthened the status of military and financial Portugal.
Islamic era
Opened at the hands of the Umayyad dynasty led by Tariq ibn Ziyad in 714 AD, and was launched by the
name of Lisbon, and has become a rule of Andalusia. Download it Algalicion in the reign of Prince Abdul Rahman East, and seized Bsatha, and made it a center for the raids on Qurmona, and Seville, and Moron, invoked Abdul Rahman Buale holes in top Musa bin vaccinia, and he was credited in overcoming the Normans and expelled from the region. As Caliphate fell Córdoban, and the states Taifa become the property of the Lisbon-Mutawakkil bin Alavtts, which the Crown by Abu Muhammad bin Hood. Lisbon fell in the hands of the Portuguese in the late days stationed in Andalusia.

The Lisbon in the Islamic era, the city of severe immunity impregnable, and was surrounded by a wall, and
inside the Kasbah (fortress or castle), and opens in the wall five-door: the door-west had been held by the knot curbs above the knot curbs on the mayors of Marble installed on the stones of marble, and was the largest doors the most important, and another door knew Balkhuchh, and they also have a door before me called Bab Al Bahr, was opening in the wall eastern two doors: one door Hamma relative to a spring of water for bathing and hospitalization, while the other door realizes the door of the tomb, and thanks for adventurers Albertgalin in the discovery of large parts of the world goal in research and exploration trips that were graduated from Lisbon.