Isthe federal capitalof Brazil, and is locatedin the province,the federalestablished inApril 21, 1960at the hands ofPresidentJuscelinoKubitschekto be thethird capitalof Brazilafter the establishment ofBrasilia,the government movedtoallfederal offices. Tourist areas Consideredby UNESCOMeshBrasiliaking ofworld culturalandvisited bynearlya milliontourists a yearand the most importanttourist areasinBrasilia(Square troopsthree, bridgeJuscelinoKubitschek, gardenurbanSarahKubitschek, and theNational ParkofBrasilia, the National Council, the cathedral, PiazzaJuscelinoKubitschek. Brasiliaisthe capital ofthe Republic ofBrazil,the new, dating to 21April1960, hasinherited the"Rio de Janeiro", which has beenthe capitalof the countryfor a period of125 years. has an
area of federal District, wherethe capital0.5814km2. has beenstrippedof this areaofthe state"Goias" in the territory ofthe Midwest. arrivedinhabitants ofBrasiliato44.1 millioninhabitants (1983). city is locatedat an altitude of900metersabove sea level, and away from thecity ofRio deJaneirocoastal1000kilometersto the north-west, it wasthe selectionof this regionas the capitalfor severalpurposes, including:*providethe nucleuspullspeople towardthe interior,with the aimTamieralmntqhinteriorof Brazil. *provideadministrative servicestothe Midwest, where there arestates, "Mato Grosso" andits "Cuiaba" and
"Matujruso South" and "capital" Campojerand"and mandate" Guise"and its"Guayana", in addition to themandate of the" Brasiliafederalism ". Thisclimate of the regionas well as thegood, and thebreadth ofthe flatplainspaces, allowinghorizontalexpansionin the fields ofurbanagriculture.The city isa center forground and airtransportation, asestablishedby theUniversityin 1960.
Republic of SouthAfrica, isa big countryinthe southern tip ofAfrica. Locatedat the southern tipof the continentandbordered byNamibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, MozambiqueandSwaziland. Thestateof Lesothocompletely surrounded bySouth Africanterritory. Its economyis the largest andmost advancedamongallAfrican countries, andmodern infrastructureare present inalmostallparts of the country. BojdinSouth Africawiththe largestpopulation ofEuropeanoriginsinAfrica, and thelargest gathering ofIndianpopulationoutside of Asia, and the largestcommunity ofcolored(black-skinned) inAfrica, making itone of the mostdiversecountriesinthe populationon the African continent. Ethnic conflictandracialbetweenthe white minorityandthe black majorityoccupya large portionofthe country's historyand policies, has begunthe National Partyto enterthe policy ofapartheidafter winningthe general electionsof 1948which isthe same partythat beganthe dismantling ofthis policyin 1990 aftera long struggle withthe black majorityand groups ofanti-racist whites andIndians. South Africaofthe fewAfrican countriesthat have not experienceda coup against theruling,is alsoorganizingfree and fair electionssince1994, making the countryan influential forcein the region, but alsoone of the moststabledemocracieson the African continent.
The culture ofSouth Africa Zulu(in English: Zulu) is a group ofAfrican tribesknowncharacteristicsandvaliantcombatOalaawar, andduringthe twenties ofthe eighteenth centurybegan, led by its leader,the famousChaka(in English: Chaka) attacked theneighboring peoplesbrutallyfierce. The fightersare highly trainedandcommitted tothe system,and soon becamethe most powerfulgroupamong theZulupeople of SouthernAfrica. Andcampaigns,butit soonmade themhampered bythe Europeans. ThecensusAabulgAlzlocurrentlyabout10 millionpeople,most of themendemic toSouth Africa andspreadsSome of them getinZimbabwe, Zambia and Mozambique, and speaksthe language ofthe BantuZulu. Personalselected NelsonMandelaRoulihlalaNelson Mandelawas bornJuly 18, 1918is aformer Presidentof the Republic ofSouth Africa andone ofthe most prominentactivistsandresistersof the policy ofracial discrimination, which was followed inSouthAfrica. Surnamedmembersof his tribeB'madeba'Madibameans' the greatvenerable', a title released bymembers of theMandelaclanon the person, including the highest-degree andbecome synonymous with thename ofNelson Mandela. I alwaysconsideredthatMandela, Mahatma Gandhi,the largest source ofinspirationinhis life andhis philosophyonnon-violenceandpeaceful resistance
andthe face ofcalamities anddifficultieswith dignity andpride.
Nelson Mandelawas bornin a small villagecalledMizoMvezointhe Transkeiregion. His father washead ofthe tribe, diedwhenNelson wasstill young, but hewas electedthe placeof his father, and began preparingfor the jobwhen he was young. Mandela's father hadfour wivesand a total of13 children(four boysandninegirls). Nelson Mandelais the son ofthe third wifeFannyNosekeaniwifeFanny Nosekeni,where he spentmost of his childhoodinher homeearly.
Madrid(Spanish: Madrid) - continued tocall itan IslamicArabic-mejryAlgeled-and thenturningto-mejrat [citation needed] the capital ofthe Kingdom of Spainandits largest cityhas a population of3.2 millioninhabitants (January 2011), anduppopulationwithsuburbsto6.54 millionpeople.The area of thecity's607square kilometers (234 sq mi).The city is locatedonthe banks of theManzanaresRiverin the center ofSpain, Madridis thethirdlargest city inthe European UnionafterLondonandBerlin. The seat ofthe Spanish governmentand the royal familyandthe country'smost importantcompaniesand 6public universitiesand severalinstitutes of higher education. Madridis consideredone ofthe most importantcities of Europestrategically, culturally and economically. It isthe fourth largest cityin terms of thenumber of touristsinEuropeand the first inSpainandthe total number oftourists whohostcityofnearlyseven milliontouristsin2006,which isthe headquarters ofthe World Tourism Organizationandthe InternationalTourism Fair(FITUR).
The city also boaststhe Museo delPradoandReal Madridsoccerfamous, in addition tothe seat of government, andthe Spanish parliament, ministries, institutions and agencies, and howtoestablishthe official residence ofthe kings ofSpain. Themayor ofthe cityofAnnaBotaaapartycenter-rightPeople's Party,in officefrom2011. Because ofeconomic output, and standard of living, andmarket size, is aMadridstrong financial hubinthe Iberian Peninsula, is alsolocatedby theheadquartersfor the vast majorityof thelargestSpanish companies, additionaltothatMadridis theheadquarters of thethree majorcompaniesof the100 largest companiesin the world (Telefonica, Repsol- YPF,Endesa). Madridpossessesa modern infrastructure, has maintainedthe shapeandappearanceofmanyhistoricneighborhoodsand streets. Madridlandmarksincludethe hugeRoyalPalace ofMadridand theTeatroReal(Royal Theatre) 1850Opera House and theRetiroParkBowen-founded in1631-andthe libraryAloutnah-whichwas founded in1712-anda group ofhistorical archivesinSpain. Thethreemuseumsof Art: Prado Museum, which containsoneof the most beautifulart collectionsin the world, andthe National Museum ofQueenSofiaTradeCenter, and theMuseum of Modern Art-Madrid, the Museum Thyssen-Bornmistha.
Locatedin the heart ofMadrid,Spain,in the region ofCastileandlocatedthe historicrange of the SierradeGuadaramain thenorthwest of the city, rising upthe mountains ofthe Sierra deGuadaramato2,429meters abovesea levelat the top ofBenyyalara. It isthe MiddleValleyHenares, whois passing throughland routesandrailwayslinkingZaragozaMadridand Barcelona.Andjust 50kilometerssouth of Madridthere isthe ancient capital ofthe Kingdom ofCastileand theMother CitytoMadridis a cityof Toledo.
Isthe federal capitalof Mexico. Thecenterof economic, industrial and culturalin the country, andthe most populous city, withabout8,836,045people in2008,the largest cityin MexicoZona Metropolitana del Valle de México
Mexicois the second largestmetropolitan area inthe Americas, and the third largestpopulation in theworld. Mexico Cityisa majorcosmopolitan cityin Latin America andthe second largesturban agglomerationin the world afterTokyo, Japan. Mexico Cityis locatedin theBasinof Mexico, which is locatedwithin theplateauOnahoak, andisa broadbasinbetweenthe high plateausin the center ofMexico, at an altitude of2,420meters (7,300 feet). The city was builtby the Aztecsin1325on an island inLakeTexcoco, andwas almost entirely destroyedin the siege of1521, andthenwasre-designed and built according to thestandards ofSpanish cities. In1524the municipality ofMexico Citywas established, known as México Tenustitlán. Date Ancient cityinMexicois now referredtoBtinochtitlan.
The oldestevidence ofhumanoccupation ofthe territory ofthe Federal Districtcomes fromsome of the
effectsbelonging to theperiod(9500-7000BC).
Thepeoples ofMexicoandone of the lastBnahoatelspeaking peopleswho migratedtothis part ofthe Valley of Mexicoafterthe fall of theToltecempire.
Between1325 and1521, Tenochtitlangrewinsize and strength. In the endthe control ofthe cityGalyseenfromthe countries surroundingLakeTaxhexkoTkscoko. Inthe Valley of Mexicowhenthe Spaniardsarrived intheGulf of Mexicoand muchofCentral American countriestoreachthe Spanishempire ofthe Aztecs.
TourisminMexico TourisminAlmxhexoThey representa large part ofthe economy ofMexico, andMexicois one of thelargestcountriesintourismbythe World Tourism Organization, and the second largestcountry in theAmerican continentafter the United Statesandthere areseveraltourist sitesinMexicosuch asthe Cathedral ofMexico CityChichenItzaand.
Is the capital ofPortugalsince1256andits largest city. Locatedin the province ofLisbonin thecenter of the countryon the Atlantic coast. The population ofthe cityof Lisbonis about547 631people,eitherinneighboring communitiesamounts.
Includes manyfields, cathedrals and monuments, cafes and shopsin addition tocontemporary architecture. Lisbonis locatedonseven hills, one of whichresidesin thesiloBelemTorre de Belem, which was built in 1515to protectthe port ofLisbon. UNESCOhasconsidereda legacyglobally, was designedandbuilt bythe brothersArrudaKingManuel I, one of the interestinghistorical landmarksin the area.AndBelem, which meansBethlehemin Arabic, is the pointfrom whichVascoda Gamainhis journey, which lasted two yearsanddiscoveredtheCape of Good Hope, and thusthe waytoIndia, which strengthened the status ofmilitary and financialPortugal. Islamic era Openedat the handsof the Umayyad dynastyled by Tariqibn Ziyadin714AD, andwas launchedbythe
Muslimnameof Lisbon, andhas becomea rule ofAndalusia. Download itAlgalicionin the reign ofPrince AbdulRahmanEast, and seizedBsatha, and made ita center for theraidsonQurmona, andSeville, andMoron, invokedAbdul RahmanBualeholes intopMusa binvaccinia, andhe was creditedin overcoming theNormansand expelled fromthe region. AsCaliphatefellCórdoban, andthestatesTaifabecomethe property ofthe Lisbon-Mutawakkil binAlavtts, whichthe CrownbyAbu MuhammadbinHood. Lisbonfellinthe hands ofthe Portuguesein the latedaysstationedin Andalusia.
TheLisboninthe Islamic era,the city ofsevereimmunityimpregnable, andwassurrounded by a wall, and
inside theKasbah(fortress orcastle), andopensinthe wallfive-door: the door-westhad been heldby theknot curbsabove theknot curbson themayorsofMarbleinstalled on thestonesofmarble, and was the largestdoorsthe most important, andanother doorknewBalkhuchh, andthey also have adoorbefore mecalledBab Al Bahr, wasopeninginthe walleasterntwo doors: one doorHammarelative toa spring of waterfor bathingand hospitalization, while the other doorrealizesthe door ofthe tomb, andthanksforadventurersAlbertgalinin the discovery oflarge parts of theworldgoalinresearch and explorationtripsthat weregraduatedfrom Lisbon.